Kyoto University, ACCMS, LSTA Group
Linfer inc.

Twitter Demo by KU-ACCMS-LSTA and Linfer inc.日本語

We have twitter accounts to show some demos of NLP technologies.
These accounts get new tweets by news agencies' accounts and analyse the news texts.


Currently, we have two (English/Japanese) accounts.


Spatial Named Entity Linking (SNEL)

Extract spatial expressions and estimate the latitude/longitude of them.

Temporal Named Entity Linking (TNEL)

Extract temporal expressions and estimate the actual date/time of them.

Word Segmentation and Pronounciation Estimation (for Japanese)

Separate unsegmented texts into units (words or morphemes), and estimate the pronounciations of each unit.
For details, see KyTea's page.

Kana Kanji Conversion (for Japanese)

Convert texts into Kanji (Chinese character) expressions.
For details, see Senn.


Your can send a command to analyse your own texts.
Commands with ✔ are implemented.

Command Usage LSTA_Linfer_en LSTA_Linfer_jp
SNEL @account SNEL [target text]
TNEL @account TNEL [target text]
Word Segmentation @account KYTEA [target text]
You can use "KyTea" instead of "KYTEA"
Kana Kanji Conversion @account SENN [target text]


The map data used by LSTA-Linfer-en is made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @
The latitude/longitude DB used by LSTA-Linfer-en is made with GeoNames.